The Australian Government Department of Health called for submissions on the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Final Report.
The National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum (NMHCCF) submitted a response to the call for submissions on 17 February 2021.
Reason for the submission
The Australian Government Department of Health sought feedback on the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Final Report.
The NMHCCF’s submission focused on the following key points:
- The Productivity Commission has addressed range of issues and breadth of recommendations in its Final Report.
- Six key areas are important to further enhance the mental health system from a consumer and carer perspective and include: mental health carers; community access and supports; models of care; lived experience engagement and lived experience-led services; the peer workforce; and lived experience peak advocacy and advisory body.
Download a copy of the submission
NMHCCF - Submission: to the Australian Government Department of Health in response to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Final Report
To find out more about the NMHCCF’s other submissions, click here.
View the submission process on the Australian Government Department of Health website
To find out more about this submission process, please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website.