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NMHCCF Submission: Reforms to Strengthen the National Mental Health Commission and National Suicide Prevention Office

27 November 2024


The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) led a consultation process on reforms to strengthen the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC) and National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO).

As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Government announced a process of reform to reset and strengthen the NMHC and NSPO. This reform process will respond to the findings of the 2023 Independent Investigation into the Commission (the Investigation), while positioning both the NMHC and NSPO for long-term success.

The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) chose to respond to the matter as a combined national voice for those with a lived and living experience of mental ill-health, as well as their family, supporters, kin, and carers. Furthermore, the NMHCCF has worked extensively with the NMHC over many years on a number of different topics, including the design of the new national mental health peak bodies, the bilateral agreements under the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan, as well as developing the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy. The NMHCCF wants to continue the strong working relationship it has with the NMHC for many years to come.

The NMHCCF Response

The NMHCCF responded to this consultation process by addressing letters to both The Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care, and The Hon Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia.

The letters raise concerns about both the process and the potential outcomes of the consultation that the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) is currently conducting. The NMHCCF sees an inherent conflict of interest in DoHAC facilitating this consultation due to the NMHC and NSPO currently sitting within the Department, and primarily asks for:

  1. a transfer of the consultation process over to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) to avoid a clear conflict of interest and maintain a perception of non-bias, and
  2. the NMHC and NSPO to become separate, independent statutory offices with their own corporate governance structures separate from other government departments.

Further Recommendations

  • That each of the four reform options presented for the future structures of the NMHC and NSPO (in section 4.5, pp. 17-18, of the discussion paper) to consultees be disregarded. The NMHC and NSPO need to be separate, independent statutory offices with their own corporate governance structures separate from other government departments.
  • Any statutory appointments become responsible to the Prime Minister or National Cabinet, not to the Health Minister.
  • Designated Lived Experience roles must be created in the executive leadership of both the NMHC and NSPO, and that independent Lived Experience governance bodies are developed to ensure the agencies remain accountable to the Lived Experience community.

The Letters

Letter to The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, on NMHC and NSPO Reforms - 18 November 2024

Letter to The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, on NMHC and NSPO Reforms - 18 November 2024