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Mental Health Australia Auspicing

Mental Health Australia (MHA) is the auspicing organisation for the NMHCCF.  MHA is the peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector and committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians. Providing a Secretariat to the NMHCCF, MHA are key NMHCCF stakeholders. Their support has included: Practical implementation of NMHCCF decisions and actions Practical support of members Assistance in process and project development Liaison with Government agencies and organisations Negotiation of funding...

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The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) is funded by each State and Territory in Australia.  This partnership includes the investment in a jurisdictional liaison officer whose role is to recruit and support representatives from that jurisdiction.  It also includes the nomination of two members to the NMHCCF, consisting of one carer and one consumer. Jurisdictional representatives are responsible for alerting the NMHCCF to issues that are of national importance and/or relate to mental health reform processes. There is no limitation on the number of years that...

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Commonwealth Government

The Australian Commonwealth Government are valued partners of the National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum (NMHCCF), providing partial funding and opportunities for collaboration, co-production and co-design of mental health reform processes, products and programs. Historically, the NMHCCF has been engaged in: Providing evidence for commissioned reports and parliamentary inquiries Submissions for Mental Health Reform plans and programs Consultation regarding best practice in engaging with people living with mental illness and their families, friends and supporters Participation...

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